Ministries & Sacraments
Our Ministries
If you have questions about Christianity and why we follow Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour
What we are about and why we do what we do
Have things on your mind that are troubling you
Are searching for something more in this life
Are looking for direction and spiritual advice and counseling
Fr. Davis as our Parish Priest is available to meet with you in person, on the phone, or via video call any time between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm on Mondays and Fridays.
Please contact him by phone (voice or text): 780-667-2318 or
email: to arrange an appointment to meet with him.
Prayer and Intercession Group
“I know from my personal experience how your prayers have kept me going and have made it possible for me to cope with ups and downs which hit you later in life.”
From the earliest days of the Church of the Resurrection we have had a clergy approved, lay-led prayer and intercession group. The purpose of the group is to lift up to God those who have asked us to pray for them in specific, general, or unknown needs and concerns. We meet weekly on Wednesdays to lift up to God those who have asked us to pray for them and ask the God of all mercies, to bestow upon those in need His blessings, healing, and comfort. For those who desire, we also add their names to our weekly church bulletin (pew leaflet) and pray for them as a whole church during our Sunday service.
If you would like us to pray for you or someone you know, please take a moment to fill out the form to the right.
You may also email us at:
“We have seen some truly amazing results in our prayers and individuals have sent cards and messages of thanks for their greatly improved health of their outlook which has changed to a positive way of thinking.”
The Sacraments of Holy Baptism; Holy Confirmation; Holy Communion; Holy Matrimony; Holy Absolution; Holy Orders; Holy Unction; are not empty signs or mere forms, but are Holy Mysteries, instituted of God to confer Grace and effect the purpose for which they are administered. There are generally accounted to be Seven Sacraments in all, two of them, Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, sometimes being called the Greater Sacraments, Sacraments of the Gospel, or the Dominical Sacraments, because they were instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ and are "generally necessary to Salvation." The other Sacraments are often referred to as the sacraments "dependent upon one's state in life."
Of these Sacraments, Holy Baptism, Holy Confirmation, and Holy Orders can only be received once since they confer "character." To repeat them, except conditionally, is sacrilege. Holy Communion and Holy Absolution, however, are to be regularly used, and Holy Unction when necessary.
Holy Baptism is the Sacrament of regeneration, making the one receiving baptism "a member of Christ, the child of God, and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven."
At the Fall man lost his original righteousness and came under the dominion of sin, inclining to evil and meriting God's wrath and punishment. Baptism remits original sin (or the penalty of the Fall), and in the case of an adult also absolves from all sins committed before Baptism, providing there is penitence. Baptism is the "new birth unto righteousness," and by it one receives Divine Grace and the "Character" of a Christian. Its super-natural gifts enable one to follow God's commandments.
Baptism is administered by prayer and the pouring on of water in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and the sign of the Cross, sometimes being accompanied by other ceremonies. It is sometimes known as "Christening," from the giving of the name, which should always be a reminder of our Christian profession, which is to follow Christ and to be made like unto Him.
It is also the "Christian Covenant," because the Sponsors or Godparents promise and vow in the name of the child:
(1) To renounce the Devil and all his works, the pomps and vanities of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh;
(2) To believe all the Articles of the Christian Faith;
(3) To keep God's holy will and Commandments, and walk in the same all the days of this life.
A child should be brought to be baptized as soon as possible after birth. Care should be taken to have proper Sponsors or Godparents. In the case of an adult, the instructions in the Book of Common Prayer orders a preparation of prayer and fasting. It is expected that persons baptized shall be Confirmed as soon as possible.
Holy Confirmation, is the Sacrament conferring the Sevenfold Gift of the Holy Ghost, "the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Ghostly Strength, the Spirit of Knowledge and True Godliness, and the Spirit of Holy Fear." Four of these are Intellectual Gifts enabling us to know what is right, and three are Moral Gifts enabling us to do what is right.
Confirmation renews the Baptismal Vows of Faith, Love, and Repentance. One promises to believe in God and all that He teaches through the Church as to Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship, to love God and follow His Will and Commandments and to resist the deceits of the world, the flesh and the Devil, trying to keep the mind, body and soul as the temple of the Holy Ghost and sincerely sorrowing over sin. This Sacrament is sometimes called "the Seal," or "Anointing" from the ancient practice of touching the foreheads of the Candidates with holy oil.
Confirmation brings forth the twelve fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Truth, Meekness, Patience, Modesty, Temperance, and Chastity. The requirement for Confirmation (which is intended to be administered to the young) is that the Candidate can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments, and is sufficiently "instructed in all other things which a Christian ought to know and believe to his soul's health." There should be the threefold Preparation of mind, body, and soul, or respectively: instruction, discipline, and prayer. Confirmation should invariably be preceded by the Sacrament of Penance, (Confession and Absolution) for the proper reception of the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
Confirmation is not a matter of choice, but is a matter of duty. Christ and His Church call all to be confirmed when ready for this sacrament. A person is not to study or survey all religions and then choose the one he likes, for religion is not a matter of personal preference, but of Divine Revelation. God calls him to Confirmation in the Holy Catholic Church.
God has promised His Divine assistance, and we may be sure that He never fails to give His grace to those who love Our Lord Jesus Christ, and who desire, through the Sacrament of "the laying on of hands," to have the privilege of receiving their Saviour's Blessed Body and Blood in the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar.
Holy Communion, well called the Blessed Sacrament, is the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, and the Memorial of the Sacrifice of the Cross. Under the forms of Bread and Wine we receive Our Lord Really and Objectively Present, but after a Spiritual, Mystical and Supernatural manner. By this Offering we commemorate and show forth the "One, Full, Perfect, and Sufficient Sacrifice, Oblation and Satisfaction for the sins of the whole world," made by Our Lord on the Cross. The Sacrifice of the Altar is one with the Sacrifice on the Cross, Christ being the Priest and Victim on Calvary and in the Eucharist.
It is the only true Sacrifice, one that honours God as God, one that satisfies the holiest aspirations of the soul. In it we plead Our Lord's Death and Passion, worship and adore Him Supernaturally Present, and receive Christ unto Everlasting Life.
In the Holy Communion, or Eucharistic Sacrifice, it is Christ Who offers, consecrates, and gives His Body and Blood unto Everlasting Life, through His Priest on earth presenting the same Sacrifice which in Heaven He offers or pleads in Glory before the Throne of God.
The very names of the Mass bring out its wonderful privilege for us: Holy Eucharist, that it is the Church's Service of praise and thanksgiving; Holy Mysteries, that it is above our understanding; Sacrifice of the Altar, that it shows Our Lord's Death till He come Himself; Holy Communion, that we receive Our Lord in His Body and Blood; Blessed Sacrament, that it is the holiest of all Spiritual joys.
The Holy Eucharist being a Sacrifice as well as a Sacrament is offered both for the Living and the Dead. To pray that the departed may "rest in peace," that "light perpetual may shine upon them" and that they may soon have their perfect consummation and bliss, is a custom ancient and Scriptural. To remember them in the Sacrifice of the Altar seems the most fitting way to fulfil this duty.
Holy Matrimony is the indissoluble union of a man and a woman, making them husband and wife. It is "an honourable estate instituted of God, in the time of man's innocency, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and His Church."1 The ministers of Holy Matrimony are the man and woman, who plight their troth before proper witnesses, the Church blessing and solemnizing the union. Unbaptized persons, near relations and those divorced, and also those prevented by certain impediments set forth by the Scriptures and the Church, cannot contract sacramental marriage.
Holy Matrimony is "not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God ."1 The union cannot be severed, for marriage when consummated, makes the man and woman one flesh2. Even if they live apart, by the Law of God neither can remarry during the life of the other, for "those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder."1
The Divine purpose of Matrimony is: (1) for bringing children into the world to be raised in the nurture and fear of the Lord; (2) for preventing sin; (3) for mutual love and companionship. Marriage should take place in Church and if possible before noon. The Parish Priest should always he seen before any arrangements for a Marriage are made. And contracting parties should know and remember the times when Marriage is not supposed to be solemnized. If either party has been of a different belief, such party should he confirmed or received into the Church before marriage. Their children should invariably be baptized, confirmed and brought up in the Church.
1 Marriage Service Book of Common Prayer. 2 Genesis 2:23, 24.
Holy Absolution, Confession, Reconciliation, or the Sacrament of Penance, is the Confession of Sins to God in the presence of a Priest, "God having given Power and Commandment to His Ministers to pronounce to His people being penitent the Absolution and Remission of their sins." The Priest exercises the Ministry of Jesus Christ, to "speak in His Name," Our Lord Himself forgiving sins through His representative, "the Ambassador of God" in the Ministry of reconciliation.
The benefits of using this privilege are these: (1) It is an act of humility and shows one's sorrow for sins; (2) it obtains the godly counsel and advice of the Priest; (3) it secures the direct personal Absolution of sin, and is the spiritual application to the soul of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ; (4) it enables one to speak freely as is nowhere else possible, under the Seal of Confession; (5) it conveys a special gift of Grace. The Priest who hears the Confession is bound never to divulge or mention it, (even to those who have made it) outside the Confessional. Everything is done to protect the Penitent. The Absolution is conditioned upon Faith, Love and Repentance, so that an insincere or intentionally incomplete Confession becomes sacrilege and merits God's displeasure.
In the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada and the Traditional Anglican Church, while Confession is not rigidly enforced as in the other branches of the Church, and in this sense is voluntary ("all may, some should, no one must"), nevertheless it should be regarded as morally obligatory to all properly taught people. It is of great spiritual help both to most saintly persons and to those who have grievously sinned. True contrition brings one to use this Sacrament, as pleasing to God, as of Divine command, and as the only really safe way for the soul. Those who have never gone to Confession know nothing of its help and comfort. They should be advised only by those who know: the Clergy who hear Confessions and the people who make Confessions: both Clergy and Laity. The use of this Sacrament is a great privilege and brings a great blessing. It makes repentance real. It expresses the need of God's Grace. It develops character. It increases holiness.
Persons who never have used this Sacrament of Penance stay away to their great spiritual loss. Persons who stop using it do so at the peril of their souls. It is a foolish person who listens to what the ignorant or the prejudiced say about what they do not understand. Not to go to Confession is really to slight Our Lord's call to penitence, pardon and peace, and to risk the receiving unworthily the Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ. A few minutes of real study will show that Confession has been a practice and privilege of the whole Church, hallowed by the use of centuries and should be regularly used by all.
Holy Order is the Sacrament whereby those called by God to the Sacred Ministry are ordained Bishops, Priests, or Deacons. Ordination is had by "the laying on of hands" of the Bishop, accompanied by prayer and invocation of the Holy Ghost, thus continuing the Apostolic Succession from Our Lord and His Disciples, conferring ministerial character and giving the cure of souls. The special office of a Bishop is to confirm, ordain, consecrate, and rule in the Church. That of a Priest is to absolve from sin, to consecrate and offer the Holy Eucharist, to preach the Gospel, and to minister among people. The clergy are to be esteemed "very highly for their work's sake,"1 for the Bible says they are: "the Ministers of Christ"2 to "speak in His Name" as "Stewards of the Mysteries of God,"2 and "Ambassadors for Christ."3
The Priest at Ordination is bidden to watch for the souls of those committed to his charge as those for whom he must give account. He is to be a shepherd to his flock, and to go vested in the authority of the Church. Consequently it is fitting that a Priest be called: "Father," as a distinguishing mark of his relationship with his people, even as those who guides a ship is "Captain" or a physician is "Doctor."
11 Thessalonians 5:13.
2Corinthians 4:1.
3Corinthians 5:20.
Holy Unction is the Anointing of the Sick with oil blessed by the Bishop as an aid to recovery and is a rite ordered by God.
It is also called "Extreme Unction," according to some because used "in extremis," according to others because the last of the ancient anointings.
It is accompanied with Prayer and is generally preceded by Confession and by Communion. One mode is to anoint the sick person with Holy Oil on: (1) the Eyes, (2) the Ears, (3) the Nostrils, (4) the Lips, (5) the Hands, (6) and the Feet. Frequently, only the Forehead or Breast is anointed. Unction is to be desired in serious illness as an aid to recovery. Many cures have taken place according to God's promise.1
1Saint James 5:1-15.